The amount of traffic seen by a web site is a measure of its popularity. By analysing the statistics of visitors it is possible to see shortcomings of the site and look to improve those areas. It is also possible to increase (or, in some cases decrease) the popularity of a site and the number of people that visit it.
It is sometimes important to protect some parts of a site by password, allowing only authorized people to visit particular sections or pages.
Some site administrators have chosen to block their page to specific traffic, such as by geographic location. The re-election campaign site for U.S. President George W. Bush ( was blocked to all internet users outside of the U.S. on 25 October 2004 after a reported attack on the site.[1]
It is also possible to limit access to a web server both based on the number of connections and by the bandwidth expended by each connection. On Apache HTTP servers, this is accomplished by the limitipconn module and others.
Web traffic can be increased by placement of a site in search engines and purchase of advertising, including bulk e-mail, pop-up ads, and in-page advertisements. Web traffic can also be increased by purchasing non-internet based advertising.
If a web page is not listed in the first pages of any search, the odds of someone finding it diminishes greatly (especially if there is other competition on the first page). Very few people go past the first page, and the percentage that go to subsequent pages is substantially lower. Consequently, getting proper placement on search engines is as important as the web site itself.
Web traffic which comes from unpaid listing at search engines or directories is commonly known as "organic" traffic. Organic traffic can be generated or increased by including the web site in directories, search engines, guides (such as yellow pages and restaurant guides), software such as DigitalTrafficPuller and award sites.
In most cases the best way to increase web traffic is to register it with the major search engines. Just registering does not guarantee traffic, as search engines work by "crawling" registered web sites. These crawling programs (crawlers) are also known as "spiders" or "robots". Crawlers start at the registered home page, and usually follow the hyperlinks it finds, to get to pages inside the web site (internal links). Crawlers start gathering information about those pages and storing it and indexing it in the search engine database. In every case, they index the page URL and the page title. In most cases they also index the web page header (meta tag) and a certain amount of the text of the page. Then, when a search engine user looks for a particular word or phrase, the search engine looks into the database and produces the results, usually sorted by relevance according to the search engine algorithms.
Usually, the top organic result gets most of the clicks from web users. According to some studies[citation needed], the top result gets between 5% and 10% of the clicks. Each subsequent result gets between 30% and 60% of the clicks of the previous one. This indicates that it is important to appear in the top results. There are some companies which specialize in search engine marketing. However, it is becoming common for webmasters to get approached by "boiler-room" companies with no real knowledge of how to get results. As opposed to pay-per-click, search engine marketing is usually paid monthly or annually, and most search engine companies cannot promise specific results for what is paid to them.
Because of the huge amount of information available on the web, crawlers might take days, weeks or months to complete review and index all the pages they find. Google, for example, as of the end of 2004 had indexed over eight billion pages. Even having hundreds or thousands of servers working on the spidering of pages, a complete reindexing takes its time. That is why some pages recently updated in certain web sites are not immediately found when doing searches on search engines.
miercuri, 11 august 2010
Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings. In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.
The acronym "SEO" can refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure.
Another class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or spamdexing, uses methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and article spinning that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices.
As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website may involve editing its content and HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic.
The acronym "SEO" can refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems, images, videos, shopping carts, and other elements that have been optimized for the purpose of search engine exposure.
Another class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or spamdexing, uses methods such as link farms, keyword stuffing and article spinning that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices.
miercuri, 28 iulie 2010
Seo Tutorial
SEO - search engine optimization reprezinta serviciul de optimizare al unui site web pentru a atinge pozitii cat mai inalte in motoarele de cautare. Principalul avantaj al optimizarii este cresterea traficului. Optimizarea aduce trafic de calitate direct interesat de produsul sau serviciul oferit de site-ul optimizat. Pe termen lung optimizarea SEO reprezinta cea mai accesibila si eficienta cale de promovare pentru un web site.
Primii pasi pentru o buna optimizare:
* concepere titluri atragatoare pentru vizitatorii si prietenoase pentru robotii motoarelor de cautare
* optimizare meta-tag description si keywords ( Google AdWords KeyWord Tool ) pentru fiecare pagina in parte, cu relevanta maxima raportat la continutul paginii web
* creare sitemap (Sitemap Generator) pentru indexarea rapida in motoare de cautare
* inscriere siteului in motoarele de cautare
* inscriere siteului in directoare web romanesti si straine
* cresterea page rankului
Reveniti. In curand noi completari la acest SEO tutorial
Primii pasi pentru o buna optimizare:
* concepere titluri atragatoare pentru vizitatorii si prietenoase pentru robotii motoarelor de cautare
* optimizare meta-tag description si keywords ( Google AdWords KeyWord Tool ) pentru fiecare pagina in parte, cu relevanta maxima raportat la continutul paginii web
* creare sitemap (Sitemap Generator) pentru indexarea rapida in motoare de cautare
* inscriere siteului in motoarele de cautare
* inscriere siteului in directoare web romanesti si straine
* cresterea page rankului
Reveniti. In curand noi completari la acest SEO tutorial
marți, 27 iulie 2010
Trafic web | Schimb de trafic
Prin schimb de trafic se intelege folosirea unui site specializat care utilizeaza un motor de navigare, ce afiseaza automat, pe rand, pentru o anumita perioada, site-urile inregistrate de utilizatori. Tu vizitezi (automat sau manual) siturile celorlalti utilizatori din sistem iar ei, la randul lor, iti viziteaza site-ul. In functie de necesarul tau de vizite te poti rezuma la un cont gratuit sau iti pot upgrada contul pentru a primi anumite avantaje. Cum ar fi de exemplu, in sistemul de trafic automat, obtinerea unei rate mai bune de schimb de trafic. De exemplu, pentru fiecare site vizitat prin navigare automata primesti 0,4 - 0,5 credite. Cu alte cuvinte acumulezi un credit dupa ce vezi (automat) 2 site-uri din sistem. Daca vrei sa grabesti acumularea de credite, daca vrei sa obtii o rata mai buna intre siturile vizitate si creditele obtinute, iti poti upgrada contul. Pana la a obtine 1,5 credite pentru un site vizualizat. Aceasta este procedura pentru sistemul de schimb de trafic automat. Ai strans - sa zicem - 100 de credite prin navigare automata. ce faci cu ele? Simplu: le transformi in vizite pe siturile tale aprobate in sistem. 1 punct credit = o vizita primita. Principiul este unul simplu. Aloci creditele obtinute prin navigare siturilor tale si primesti in schimb vizite. Pentru fiecare vizualizare primiti un anumit punctaj, iar punctele acumulate le puteti folosi prin alocare la site-ul propriu. Deci, acumulati puncte automat pe care le transformati in trafic web spre site-ul sau website-urile alese de d-voastra.
Cu cat sunt mai multe vizite, cu atat creste site-ul in importanta in pozitia rezultatelor cautarilor.
Asadar, aveti posibilitatea de a va spori singuri numarul de vizitatori pe site, vizitand cateva ore pe saptamana, timp de cateva secunde, site-urile altor persoane, care la randul lor vor face acelasi lucru cu site-ul d-voastra.
Bineinteles, recomand sa faceti acest lucru doar la inceput, pentru a va promova mai usor site-ul in motoarele de cautare. Nu cred ca va doriti sa dati click-uri tot restul vietii. Dupa ce acesta a obtinut pozitia dorita, va recomand sa folositi tehnicile de marketing si promovare oferite de motoarele de cautare pentru a va mentine numarul de vizitatori si a atrage atentia noilor clienti. Actualizari dese si populare ale continutului sunt indicate.
Iata cateva exemple:
Cu cat sunt mai multe vizite, cu atat creste site-ul in importanta in pozitia rezultatelor cautarilor.
Asadar, aveti posibilitatea de a va spori singuri numarul de vizitatori pe site, vizitand cateva ore pe saptamana, timp de cateva secunde, site-urile altor persoane, care la randul lor vor face acelasi lucru cu site-ul d-voastra.
Bineinteles, recomand sa faceti acest lucru doar la inceput, pentru a va promova mai usor site-ul in motoarele de cautare. Nu cred ca va doriti sa dati click-uri tot restul vietii. Dupa ce acesta a obtinut pozitia dorita, va recomand sa folositi tehnicile de marketing si promovare oferite de motoarele de cautare pentru a va mentine numarul de vizitatori si a atrage atentia noilor clienti. Actualizari dese si populare ale continutului sunt indicate.
Iata cateva exemple:
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